This past Saturday I bought a Mobile [Poultry] Processing Unit from Lee Menius of Wild Turkey Farms (China Grove, NC). He and his wife Domisty met me in Dallas, NC at the "Putting Small Acreage to Work" conference where he presented on Pastured Poultry. We completed the transaction with no problems. The only thing I had to figure out before driving home was the electrical connection between the truck and the trailer. The truck's female 4-wire to the trailer's female-6-wire plug was NOT going to work without a bypass, hack, or work-around. But I had no worries; Advanced Auto and Autozone were both 200 yards down the road, their parking lots separated by a Waffle House. Lee said that either store was sure to have what I needed.
Neither did.

What Autozone DID have was a kind customer who took pity on me. Jason followed me over to my trailer (parked in the Advanced Auto Parts lot) and then into the store. It took him some time to figure out how he was going to MacGyver a solution with the parts he had in front of him. I was tempted to say something stupid like, "If you can't figure this out, what would you suggest I do next?" But Someone said, "Jen, shut up." I obeyed. This was going to work out somehow. Once Jason had decided on a combination of available parts, I paid at the register and borrowed a tool for Jason to use for re-wiring. Jason had the work-around complete in about 5 minutes! He even showed me how to replace a burnt-out tail light bulb. Thanks to Jason, a local machinist who hunts with Plotts, I hit the road with every confidence that I would get home safely.
Thank you, God, for the way you work everything out.